January 24-26 2025
Check in - 5:00pm
Kick off - 6:00pm
Anheuser Busch Hall (ABH), Room No. 002, 003, 004, & 005
170 West Dr
St. Louis, MO 63121
Register Now!


The Games Are Up!

Click here to play! -Wes


The Jam: Day 3 Final!

If nothing else, the final day of the GameJam was validation that we had started something awesome.  It began much like the day before, only this time with sweet caramel danishes from Federhoffers bakery.  Mmmm. After the treats we immediately got to work.  Again it was just Sam, Scott and me to start out.  Scott […]


The Jam: Day 2

The second day of the Game Jam started out mundane and, to be honest, a bit disappointing, but it ended up being extremely productive, and a lot of fun. Scott and I arrived ahead of schedule at 9:45 to find the office totally barren. We stole wifi from a nearby office and posted yesterday’s blog. […]


The Jam: Day 1

The event began with Sam Coster, Jared Parker, Scott Petrovic, Nick Apperson, Clayton Smith, and myself (Wes Ehrlichman) kicking it in the WorldKi offices talking about game interfaces and waiting for more people to show up. At around 6:15 PM we decided to let the jamming begin, and Sam announced the theme: Scapegoat Its a […]


The Jam Approaches!

Hello everybody! The game jam is fast approaching and I, for one, am pumped. It’s our first one ever and we’ve got a 9 person battalion engaging in our weekend of game building bliss. You may be asking yourself the following questions, which is precisely what I am here for. 1) Where is the WorldKi […]


Some Useful Windows Game Making Resources

It’s not going to be easy to make a game in 24 hours. Prepare yourself by learning to use one or many of these easy and free to use Windows game creation tools. Game Maker – WYSWYG game maker that allows for complex scripting. Mighty Jill Off was made in this. XNA – Program games in […]