January 24-26 2025
Check in - 5:00pm
Kick off - 6:00pm
Anheuser Busch Hall (ABH), Room No. 002, 003, 004, & 005
170 West Dr
St. Louis, MO 63121
Register Now!


Next Game Jam: April 20-22

Detailed plans are still being finalized, but mark your calendars for the next St. Louis Game Jam, April 20-22 at Simutronics! There will be an official registration link here at the https://www.stlgamejam.com site soon, but in the meantime you may wish to join the group at the Meetup page to keep up on the latest!


GWR continuing

Numbers for Global Game Jam 2012 are being submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records. Verification is still ongoing, but the current counts are: Jammers: 10,710 Games: 2217 Sites: 243 Countries: 47 Will keep you posted! Elonka 🙂


Elonka’s day-by-day blog of the event

It’s probably tl;dr for most, but if anyone wants to read my own “day by day” blog, check here.


Video documentary

The folks at UMSL created a 5-minute video documentary about the jam! 2012 Game Jam at University of Missouri, St. Louis Check also their news post, here. There’s also a YouTube playlist which shows a couple dozen videos from other GGJ2012 locations around the world, that you can see here. Thanks, UMSL!


Episkipoe speaks!

Episkipoe (the jammer who came well-prepared by actually already having a tattoo of Ouroboros) has blogged about his experiences coding the “Immortal Coil” game at the St. Louis 2012 Game Jam. Check his ruminations here: http://episkipoe.unoriginal.org/GGJ2012.html (Summer 2011 musings here)