STL Game Jam 2013: A Summary (and photo gallery!)
Game Jam 2013 was a huge success. Great games were created, new friends were made, and obscene amounts of food were consumed.
Jammers arrived at Simutronics Friday night for a brief orientation and the announcement of the Jam’s theme: perspective. Jammers then split into groups and spent a few hours brainstorming their ideas onto the whiteboard walls of Simutronics. After coming up with a plan, programmers, artists, and developers sat down to work. And work they did! From the moment Game Jam began to the moment it ended there was never a moment without fingers flurrying over keyboards and drawing tablets.
However, all work and no play makes Jack a grumpy programmer, so plenty of breaks were taken to fly shark balloons, eat snacks, play cards, and nap.
By Sunday afternoon every game was wrapping up on schedule. Teams gathered to share their demonstrations. And just like that, Game Jam concluded. The next STL Game Jam is scheduled for September 13-15 2013. See you then!
Click each game’s name for a full rundown of their development:
Bay Defense
Turned Out
Geocache Games
Throne for a Loop
Three Blind Slimes
At the end of the demonstrations, David Whatley, host and CEO of Simutronics, had the following to say:
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