We survived the September Game Jam!
Wow, what a great time. We had way more people show up than we expected… There were about 47 people actually signed up, but over 75 people showed up at the door, wow! We managed to squeeze everyone in though. In total we made 11 games, which can be seen at: http://www.stlgamejam.com/games-listing/ .
Please mark your calendars for the next jam, which will be part of the Global Game Jam from January 24-26, 2014, and will be at UMSL. We’ll post more info here later, after we get caught up on our sleep! In the meantime, you can signup (please please please signup so we know how many people to expect) at the meetup.com page: http://www.meetup.com/St-Louis-Game-Developers/events/102157662/
We will also be having a Game Jam followup meeting on Monday, October 7th, at the Simutronics offices. This will be an opportunity to go over some of the games in more detail, to post-mortem what went right and what went wrong, and to engage in Q&A with the developers if you’re curious about which platforms they used or how they did what they did! For more info on the wrapup, check meetup: http://www.meetup.com/St-Louis-Game-Developers/events/140433612/
Also, please let us know if you took notes, blogs, pics, or anything else at the jam, so we can post it here! If you already posted on your own blog, you can either post a note here with a link, or email it to us and we’ll fold it in somehow. Thanks!
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