Together Forever

Together ForeverShort Introduction: 
A 2D, top-down perspective game. The main character is a spurned lover who intends to make himself perfect by switching his body parts with those of other people to win the girl of his dreams.
built with Game Maker (any product)
Brief Play Description:
 As the main character, the player explores the city to find people who have body parts that he can take and use to better himself and win the affections of his dream girl. Each body part he take gives him different abilities (such as the ability to punch, the ability to sprint, etc.), which will allow him to access different areas and progress the story. Players must be mindful of the suspicion bar at the top of the screen; as the game progresses, the suspicion bar gradually fills. If it fills completely, the player is arrested and the game ends. To lower the suspicion bar, the player must kill and steal the faces of the NPCs wandering the city without being seen by other NPCs. If the player is seen, suspicion will greatly increase.
Andy Noelker, Ryan Lordon, Russell Bockhorst, Travis Strong, Meredith Bossard, Derek Lewis