Passing Blame
Download Passing Blame – Version 1.0
Passing Blame is a game for 3 or 4 players. It cannot be played with under 3 players.
The goal of the game is to rid yourself of all of your “blame” by passing it off onto other players. The only way to pass blame is to collect one of the icons that other players drop around the tiled field.
Blame looks like this:
Pressing any of the controller buttons while standing on an empty tile will drop the corresponding icon from your inventory onto that tile. You can only collect icons if your inventory has an open slot in it. Collecting icons will perform the action that the icon represents and add a random icon to your inventory.
Collecting this icon will pass blame to the player sitting to your left.
Collecting this icon will pass blame to the player sitting to your right.
Collecting this icon will return all players to their starting locations.
Collecting this icon will swap your blame count with whoever has the smallest amount of blame.
Passing Blame works best with four USB Xbox 360 controllers, but will sort of work with four people crowded around a keyboard
Player 1:
- Up = W
- Left = A
- Right = D
- Down = S
- Y = T
- X = F
- B = H
- A = G
Player 2:
- Up = I
- Left = J
- Right = L
- Down = K
- Y = OpenBrackets
- X = Semicolon
- B = Enter
- A = Quotes
Player 3:
- Up = Up
- Left = Left
- Right = Right
- Down = Down
- Y = Home
- X = PageUp
- B = PageDown
- A = End
Player 4:
- Up = NumPad8
- Left = NumPad4
- Right = NumPad6
- Down = NumPad2
- Y = NumPad7
- X = NumPad9
- B = NumPad1
- A = NumPad3