Directions to Global Game Jam 2025

Below is a Google map highlighting Anheuser-Busch Hall (ABH) (Room No. 002, 003, 004, & 005). Registration starts outside of Rooms 002, 003, 004, & 005  on the lower floor at 4:30PM on Friday, January 24th, 2025. Directions:

  • Use your favorite mapping application to find Anheuser-Busch Hall. Just North of AHB is parking lot N.
  • Park in any open spots. If lot N is full, there is another lot to the East called Lot I.
  • Head into Anheuser-Busch Hall and find the nearest stairs or elevator to get down to the bottom floor. Follow signs or follow your nearest Jammer to the Game Jam.

Parking can be found just north of the Anheuser-Busch Hall in Parking lots N and I. Street parking along West Dr. and Lucas Rd is also allowed.

A PDF of the campus map with parking can be found here:

Don’t worry about parking passes, campus security knows to be expecting a *lot* of guests for this weekend, so as long you park somewhere reasonable, you should be fine. If for some reason you do get a ticket from the campus cops, just pass it along to one of the jam organizers and we’ll take care of it.


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