Global Game Jam Schedule

Friday, January 27th

4 pm: Doors open. C’mon in, connect to wi-fi. Don’t worry too much about where to sit, we’ll be rearranging things when teams form anyway. T-shirts will be first come first serve, and we are expecting to run out, so be there on time to ensure that you get one!
4:30ish: General announcements, and show keynote video
5 pm: Secret theme is announced!! Then we break up into brainstorming groups to figure out what the heck to do with it!
6: Re-gather to hear brainstorming ideas
6:30: Team-forming around different ideas
7 pm: Get to work!
8ish: Pointersaurus pizza, sponsored by Simutronics, with sodas sponsored by the Webster Video Game Club (thank you!)
8-Midnight: Jamming!
Midnight: Doors close for the night. You can leave some small stuff in the room, but please take anything valuable with you. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS LEFT UNATTENDED.

Saturday, January 28th

8 a.m. – Midnight: Jamming! Meals sponsored by the UMSL Information Systems Programming Club, and Riot Games (thank you!)

Sunday, January 29th

8 a.m.: Doors open. Meals sponsored by Riot Games and IDC (thank you!)
3 pm: Games have to be finished, get ’em uploaded!
3:30: Gather to view finished games, and socialize
5-6 pm: Cleanup, followed by sleep!

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